1SM 1″ x 42″ Industrial Belt Sander!
Jim Porter of Stuart Arts reviews the Kalamazoo Industries 1SM 1″ x 42″ industrial belt sander! This 1SM 1″ x 42″ industrial belt sander is a powerful little unit comes with a 1/3Hp 1PH 110V TEFC motor. 1SM 1″ x 42″ industrial belt sander works great whether it’s next to a cnc or in a jewelry repair shop, large or small and has a removable platen and work table for slack belt sanding. This handy unit works great for general lite material removal. This 1″ x 42″ industrial belt sander travels at 1800 SFPM.
This unit will fit any form of 1″ x 42″ sanding belt whether is scotch brite or aluminum oxide belt. The parts for this unit is always available no matter the age of the unit.